AI cannot escape BIAS. So, what’s next? In: EthicAI=LABS

Constantinescu, M. (2022). AI cannot escape BIAS. So, what’s next? In: EthicAI=LABS. Chapter 10 (pp. 92-98). DA LAB Foundation /Goethe-Institut Sofia.

Cine, când, cum și pentru ce este responsabil moral? Despre actualitatea unui răspuns aristotelic.

Constantinescu, Mihaela. (2021). Cine, când, cum și pentru ce este responsabil moral? Despre actualitatea unui răspuns aristotelic. (Who, when, how and for what is morally responsible? On the relevance of an Aristotelian answer). In: E. Mihailov, M. Flonta, M. Constantinescu (Eds.), Valentin Mureșan. Acțiune și rațiune, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Publishing House

Ethics management and ethical management: Mapping criteria and interventions to support responsible management practice.

Constantinescu, M. and Kaptein, M.*. (2020). Ethics management and ethical management: Mapping criteria and interventions to support responsible management practice. In: O. Laasch, D. Jamali, R. E. Freeman, & R. Suddaby (Eds.) The Research Handbook of Responsible Management. Chapter 11 (155-174). Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. *Author names appear alphabetically, their contribution being equal.