Moral Responsibility is primarily a philosophical concept but bears important ramifications across fields as diverse as psychology, neuroscience, law, sociology, Artificial Intelligence, and robotics, to name but a few. This website shares my work on moral responsibility and related concepts of moral agency and moral status, drawing on research interests spanning from ethical theory to business ethics and philosophy of technology. It also offers recommendations for projects, events, and research papers that tackle on topics related to moral responsibility in various other fields.

Mihaela Constantinescu

Mihaela Constantinescu is lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania, and executive director of the Research Centre in Applied Ethics (CCEA). Her research interests include virtue ethics, business ethics, Human-Robot Interaction, and AI ethics, with a focus on the normative interplay between the concepts of moral responsibility and moral agency in relation to individuals, organizations, and AI systems.

Between 2021-2022 she is Principal Investigator of the research project “Collective moral responsibility: from organizations to artificial systems. A re-evaluation of the Aristotelian framework” (CoMoRe).

Before moving to academia, Mihaela has worked as a communications consultant in the private, governmental and NGO fields and is co-founder of the Association for Education in Socio-Humanities (ESSU).